Reverend Dr. Samuel DeWitt Proctor (1921-1997) was Pastor Emeritus of the Abyssinian Baptist Church of New York City and Professor Emeritus at Rutgers University. Dr. Proctor was President of Virginia Union University, Richmond and North Carolina A&T State University. He held administrative positions with the Peace Corps in Nigeria and Washington, D.C. and the National Council of Churches.
Dr. Proctor served on the governing boards of the United Negro College Fund, National Urban League and the Overseer's Visiting Committee for the Divinity School at Harvard University. He was Pastor-In-Residence for the Institute for Child Advocacy at Children's Defense Fund/Haley Farm. He was awarded honorary doctorate degrees from more than 50 colleges and universities. Dr. Proctor was a prolific writer and preacher, authoring We Have This Ministry, How Shall They Hear, and Sermons from the Black Pulpit, among many others.