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ABC Reads

Books offer American opportunity for unity

ABC Reads brings American Baptists together through the power of a book. Sponsored by Judson Press, ABC Reads highlights a book that is appropriate for reading and discussion in small group settings as well as individually. The book provides an opportunity for learning, sharing, and growing in knowledge and faith in Sunday school classes and Bible studies as well as in men, women, and youth groups.


ABC Reads 2023-2024

The 2023-2024 ABC Reads selections are 24/7 Embodying Christ-like Leadership by Leslie Copeland a timely and refreshing book for leaders to reflect and rethink who they are as leaders. Leaders are encouraged to examine their lives truthfully and carefully to grow spiritually while faithfully operating as servant-leaders for Christ. Copeland reminds leaders that such characteristics as courage, commitment, and compassion are essential to good leadership.

Church at the Wall: Stories of Hope along the San Diego-Tijuana Border by Seth David Clark tells the powerful story of how the Border Church, founded and pastored by John Fanestil, worships on the San Diego–Tijuana border without a building. Every Sunday afternoon the author, who serves as the U.S.-side pastoral coordinator of the church, gathers with people of goodwill from both sides of the border at Friendship Park to build the kingdom of God. Their love of Christ is exhibited through celebrating communion, singing, and using their pinkies to pass the peace through the mesh metal walls between the U.S. and Mexico. 

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