Darryl Sims was licensed to preach the gospel at Metropolitan Baptist Church in 1997 under Pastor H. Beecher Hicks Jr. He earned a Master of Divinity degree from Howard University School of Divinity in 1999. While at Howard he also served as a summer intern at Bronx Christian Fellowship in New York under the leadership of Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook. In May of 1999, Rev. Sims became the minister of men and evangelism at Mount Olivet Baptist Church under the leadership of Dr. Charles Booth, and was the coordinator of the church's afterschool program, designed to enhance the spiritual and educational development of male students at the elementary school level.
Sims became the senior pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church of Massillon, Ohio, in 2002, where he provided leadership for the spiritual, educational, and fiscal development of the congregation. The church's membership tripled within six months of his arrival. After serving this church, he was led to help churches on a national level increase their biblical literacy.
He became the national coordinator of pastoral relations for Urban Ministries, Inc., the nation's largest provider of African-American church training materials. He currently serves as the senior pastor of Everlasting Hope Baptist Church of Chicago, and he also owns his own book packaging company, MMGI Books.
Sims is the editor of four books of sermons by prominent black ministers. Through Sound the Trumpet: Messages to Empower African American Men (Judson Press, 2003) and its 2005 sequel, Sound the Trumpet, Again, along with Evangelizing and Empowering the Black Male and These Sisters Can Say It (MMGI Books, 2009), Sims has become nationally recognized as a conduit for providing spiritual and social renewal for black men. He has provided workshops around the country to empower and heal black men. He has also worked with a variety of schools and organizations in the areas of conflict resolution, academic achievement, and enhancement of racial pride.