From college campuses to state prisons to major corporations, Ed Gray has become a nationally renowned public speaker.
The Detroit News described him as "a master at showing people how to get the most out of themselves." In another article, News columnist Betty DeRamus said, "He's poised, polished and people take notes when Ed Gray speaks." The Michigan Chronicle wrote, "He thrills listeners with a wake-you-up delivery and a you will believe message." Former talk show host, Faith Green, said in a newspaper article about Ed Gray, "He's for real. He lives what he states."
His clients have included such organizations as Coca Cola USA, Ameritech Capital Corp., Catholic Archdiocese of Lansing, Jackson State Prison, University of West Florida Small Business Development Center, Alabama A&M University, University of Alabama-Huntsville, Michigan State University, Oakland University, Francis Marion University, Elizabeth City State University, Clemson University, Rust College, Detroit public schools and numerous others.
Since July 1991, Ed has hosted and written the nationally syndicated radio feature Power Minute. The show is syndicated by Anderson Communications in Atlanta and is heard on more than 80 radio stations across the United States.
From July of 1993 until November of 2001, Ed wrote a semi-weekly motivational column in The Detroit News. His other writing credits include a weekly column that appeared in the Michigan Chronicle, Pittsburgh Courier and Flint Enquirer newspapers for several years.
40 Days to a Life of G.O.L.D. (God-Ordained Life Development) is Ed's first published book.