Jini Kilgore Cockroft, M.Div., DMin., is an ordained American Baptist Churches USA (ABC) minister. In 2008, she and her husband Pastor Willie Cockroft founded HighWay Ministries, an urban mission in South Los Angeles that offers spiritual and practical nurture to people with low incomes. She has contributed to several Judson Press books including: Sister to Sister: Devotions for and from African American Women Vol 1 (1995) & Vol 2 (1999), A Servant's Journey: The Life and Work of Thomas Kilgore (1998), Those Preaching Women, Vol. 2 (1985), and No Other Help I Know: Sermons on Prayer and Spirituality (1996). As a teacher, preacher, writer, editor, administrator, and missionary, Jini has devoted her life to Christian spiritual formation, justice and inclusion. Go to www.hwmin.org to learn more about Highway Ministries.