Edgar Young Mullins, 1860-1928. Minister, seminary president, and professor.

An 1885 graduate of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Mullins pastored a number of churches until his call in 1899 to become president of the seminary from which he graduated. As the new president, Mullins became professor of theology as well as executive head of the institution. His brilliance as teacher and writer, his administrative ability, and his firm but conciliatory attitude soon won the confidence of all and gave him a place of leadership in the denomination. He served as president of the Southern Baptist Convention from 1921 to 1924, and as president of the Baptist World Alliance in 1928.

In addition to numerous articles for the press, Mullins' published works include Why Is Christianity True? (1905); The Axioms of Religion (1908); Baptist Beliefs (1912); Freedom and Authority in Religion (1913); Commentary on Ephesians and Colossians (1913); The Life in Christ; The Christian Religion in its Doctrinal Expression; Talks on Soul Winning (1920); Spiritualism, A Delusion (1920); and Christianity at the Crossroads (1924).

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