Brenda Branson is founder of Broken People (a division of ITMH) and co-founder of FOCUS Ministries. Broken People provides a ministry of hope, love, and spiritual direction to broken and hurting people experiencing domestic violence, relationship issues, divorce, addictions, and other difficult life issues. They provide free training and consultation services to churches and small groups on the topic of family violence, as well as free counseling, literature and resources.
She is a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), and regularly leads support groups, Bible studies, training events, women's retreats, conferences and workshops on the topic of family violence, relationship issues, and spiritual growth.
Brenda is also an author and public speaker. In addition to being the co-author of Violence Among Us, she has written over one-thousand inspirational articles, four training manuals and many educational materials on the topic of domestic violence.
When asked what her dreams are for the future, Brenda says "I am living my dream! Every day I am amazed at God's provision and faithfulness—how He has taken my broken dreams and failures of the past and restored my life with many opportunities to share my resources, joy, and hope with others who are hurting. What a privilege it is to serve a God who truly knows me, a Redeemer (Jesus) who unconditionally loves me, and the Holy Spirit who guides and comforts me!"
Brenda is available to speak at churches, women's retreats, conferences, schools, and civic organizations on topics including "A Woman's Journey With God," "Love Stories—Real People Encountering a Real God," as well as seminars on relationship issues and domestic violence. Contact her at 270-871-7812, by email at, or regular mail at P. O. Box 323, Hanson, KY 42413.
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