Harold Dean Trulear is Director of the Healing Communities Prison Ministry and Prisoner Reentry Project of the Philadelphia Leadership Foundation. Designed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Healing Communities has been implemented in over 20 sites nationally, in partnership with such organizations as the Progressive National Baptist Convention, the Christian Association for Prisoner Aftercare and the National Women's Prison Project.
Dr. Trulear is an ordained American Baptist minister and serves as Associate Professor of Applied Theology and Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Howard University. He also serves as a Fellow at the Center for Public Justice in Annapolis, MD. He is founding president of GLOBE (God Leading Our Best Efforts) Ministries, a youth services agency in Philadelphia and has taught religion, public policy and community studies in several institutions, including Yale University, Drew University, Hartford Seminary, Eastern University and Vanderbilt University.
A graduate of Morehouse College (BA) and Drew University (PhD), Dr. Trulear has authored over seventy published monographs, articles, essays, sermons and reviews, including African American Churches and Welfare Reform (Center for Public Justice) and Faith Based Initiatives with High Risk Youth (P/PV) and writes a bi-monthly column for Prism: The Alternative Evangelical Voice.