Table of Contents
Designed to help preachers engage in a disciplined and deliberate study of biblical materials, the central premise of Living Water for Thirsty Souls is that preaching should be grounded and centered in the truths and lessons of the Bible. To achieve this goal, author Marvin McMickle has formulated an approach to biblical exegesis for preaching that is easy for students to learn and useful for pastors to employ long after their student days are done. This eight-step approach covers the eight Ls:
• Limits
• Literature
• Language
• Location
• Links
• Leads
• Lessons
• Life application
It is an approach that clearly reflects the traditional methodology for doing biblical exegesis. These teaching tools are guaranteed to take the preacher through the transition from text to sermon, resulting in a rich harvest of preaching material.
Author Bio
Marvin A. McMickle, DMin, PhD is currently Interim Regional Executive Minister of The Cleveland Baptist Association of American Baptist Churches USA. He was Interim Pastor of Antioch Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio, where he previously served as senior pastor for nearly twenty-five years. He has also served as past president of Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School in Rochester, New York. No stranger to academia, McMickle previously served as professor of homiletics at Ashland Theological Seminary and in 2009, spent a semester as a visiting professor at Yale University Divinity School. He also taught at Case Western Reserve, Cleveland State, Princeton, and Fordham universities. A prolific author, McMickle, has more than a dozen books to his credit, including resources on preaching, ministry, and African American history