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Listen to author Melony Teague on HopeStreamRadio(Interview aired March 15, 2016)
A devotional by writers for writers, integrating the craft of working with words with the faith of people of the Word to deepen, sustain, and expand ministry in the world. This collection of 90 devotions features a focus Scripture, a brief meditation on the text and the writing experience, and a prompt for personal reflection and creative response.
Key features:
• Five authors offer different writing styles and voices, speaking to a wide audience of writer personalities and goals.
• Writing prompts offer incentive and inspiration to try something different.
• Award-winning authors have published extensively for various Christian publications.
Author Bio
Marguerite Cummings is an award-winning writer and former designer of reader guides and editor of discussion guides for Hot Apple Cider books. A talented poet, she has been a member of the Word Guild since 2006.
Glenda Dekkema writes the chaplaincy column for Senior Care Canada magazine and her nonfiction articles-focused on health, the environment, family life and humour-have been published in several magazines and newspapers in Canada and Europe. She is a professional member of The Word Guild.
Melony Teague was born in South Africa and immigrated to Canada in 1999. She lives in Oak Ridges with her husband and their two children. She is a freelance writer who believes everyone has a story to tell and each story is unique and sometimes wilder than fiction. She loves to uncover the good news in society and writes human interest and community pieces. Melony is an editorial contributor for Sport In Aurora Magazine, a member of the Richmond Hill Liberal's COMM links group, and has contributed columns and community articles for the local media over the years. Melony's guest columns address issues pertaining to the life and health of her community. She loves to inspire and motivate others through her written words. She is also ghostwriter who has worked with diverse subject matter. In addition to writing the biographies for the Portraits of Giving 2014 & 2015 she also handles Communications and PR for two non-profit missions organizations in Canada. She is an active member of The Word Guild and Inscribe.
Carol Ford facilitates a Christian writers' group and owns a consulting business. An active member of the Word Guild, a Canadian association of Christian writers and editors, and certified in MBTI and Life Skills Coaching, Carol delivers workshops and speaks at various events.
Claudia Loopstra is a published author of short stories and articles and a longtime member of The Word Guild. A frequent workshop presenter and facilitator, she has served on the National Executive Council of Women Alive.