Article: "Associate Pastors are not Second Chairs," Associated Baptist Press, 9/13/2012
Article: "Three Simple Ways to Appreciate Your Associate Pastor"
Read the Table of Contents and Introduction
Available on Kindle!
A new vocational volume in the best-selling "Work of the Church" series!
Having spent more than ten years as an associate in pastoral ministry, Alan R. Rudnick brings a wealth of research and experience to the often undervalued ministry of the associate pastor. Inviting readers to understand associate ministry as more than training ground for a senior pastorate, Rudnick explores the diverse roles and responsibilities that fall under the associate umbrella. From life-stage ministries with children and youth, singles and seniors, to specialized ministry areas such as music, education, pastoral care, and counseling, this volume acknowledges the challenges and opportunities offered to associate pastors in their distinctive ministries. The book's appendix offers practical resources for churches:
• How to plan for an associate
• Sample job descriptions
• Compensation guidelines
Associate ministers also will find a personal assessment, helpful in discerning when to stay and when to leave their associate position. Overall, this is an ideal resource for graduating seminarians seeking associate opportunities, as well as church leaders looking to establish an associate position.
Author Bio

Alan R. Rudnick, MDiv, is an American Baptist pastor, author, blogger, and social media practitioner. He is senior pastor of the DeWitt Community Church, Syracuse, New York, and previously served in pastoral staff ministry for more than 10 years. In 20102011, Rudnick was a Fellow with the Lewis Center for Church Leadership housed at Wesley Theological Seminary.
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