A best-seller among seminarians and seasoned leaders alike, this 20th anniversary edition offers updated and expanded content for readers familiar with the original as well as those new to the work. In both modest and substantial additions throughout, the expanded edition also features a new Authors Introduction and two fresh chapters on Cultivating Meaningful Friendships and Unleashing Dynamic Creativity.
During this unprecedented time of disruption due to pandemic, economic instability, and racial injustice, pastors have been compelled to learn and exercise new skills while increasing the already massive weight of ministerial leadership and service. These stressful experiences are compounded by the caregivers challenges and distress. The social and economic components, along with the loss of loved onesboth family and in the congregationcan be overwhelming, pushing the pastor to an unstable brink of despair in a wilderness of discontent. Dr. Joness timely reintroduction of Rest in the Storm is both a practical guide for ones journey toward mental and physical well-being and an ark of comfort and safety for ones weary soul. Rev. Dr. Lisa D. Jenkins, Senior Pastor, St. Matthews Baptist Church of Harlem; Author, 40 Days of Biblical & Cultural Insight into the Black Panther Movie
For two decades, Rest in the Storm has equipped congregational clergy, chaplains, pastoral educators, and ministry students to face external forces and internal conflicts that dismiss the essential best practice of rest for those who offer care. With 20/20 vision in this unprecedented time, Kirk Byron Jones offers us a twentieth anniversary edition of his prophetic text, integrating contextual concepts and concrete practices. In new chapters and expanded appendices, Dr. Jones summons readers to heed Jesus call to rest and to wake up, faithfully deepening our connection with our souls, soul friendships, and soul wisdom. As we answer that call, we may joyfully embrace challenging ministry toward genuine creative change. Attuned to the risks and burdens all caregivers experience in this liminal time, Dr. Jones new edition explores how rest, relaxation, and refreshment prepare us for Gods ever newly beginning creative work in us. Rev. Greta A. Wagner, ACPE Certified Educator (ret), ABCUSA Ordained Minister and Endorsed Chaplain
I keep a copy of Rest in the Storm on my study desk and in my ministry toolkit. This resource by Dr. Kirk Byron Jones has often gently guided me to the back of the boat, where I have found requisite rest and renewal in turbulent times. Im grateful for this twentieth anniversary edition. I am giving it to several of my spiritual sons and daughters. Whether they know it now or not, they will be in storms. They will seek rest. Rev. Dr. Aidsand F. Wright-Riggins III, Executive Director Emeritus, American Baptist Home Mission Societies
This twentieth anniversary edition of Rest in the Storm is a long-overdue, well-thought-out, and masterful work. Dr. Kirk Byron Jones utilizes his life experiences to teach the value of self-care and rest. This work delves into personal spaces while incorporating biblical truths to uplift, refine, and redirect the readers journey to a place of refreshment. Dr. Jones provides an exciting change of pace from the standard clinical compositions on self-care, one that wins over the reader with every turn of each page. Each chapter induces provocative exploration into why we do what we do and for whom, with an endless supply of action-driven self-care narratives for clergy and caregivers. The fact that a storm can elicit negative and uncertain reactions simultaneously becomes a source for channeling new positive outlooks on life is genius. I highly recommend this work and add It's about time. Rev. Dr. G. Dianne Lewis, BCC, Federal Endorsed Chaplain, African Methodist Episcopal Church
The hope of the past speaks volumes to our present in this anniversary edition of the seminal work by Rev. Dr. Kirk Byron Jones. Dr. Joness theological underpinning is thorough and forged in the experience of humanity infused with divinity. The books contents stretch the heart and search the soul, fortifying ones faith to seek refuge in the ever-present reality of Gods omnipotence and to escalate hope in the midst of despair. In todays multifaceted crisis of twin pandemics, racism and COVID-19, Dr. Jones introduces us to stormology, a new form of theology and a new way of navigating the storms of our lives. The readers that digest this work will be empowered. Paris L. Smith Sr., Pastor, Mount Carmel Baptist Church, D.C.
Rest in the Storm is a seminal work by pastor, scholar, teacher Kirk Byron Jones. He postulates that the violence of overload is a socially acceptable form of brutality and that self-violence and overload are disguised as exemplary commitment when, in fact, they are lethal to self-healing, refreshment, and tending to ones soul. Dr. Jones provides a way back to freedoma way back to abiding in the Presence through sabbath engagement, creativity, and an authentic friendship with ones true self and with others. Betty Wright-Riggins, Spiritual Director, Oasis Ministry for Spiritual Development and Spiritual Direction Network at Princeton Theological Seminary
With the 20th Anniversary Edition of Rest in the Storm, Kirk Byron Jones refreshes this essential classic by reminding us of the soul-shaping power of deep, authentic friendship and by urging us to embrace what it means to manifest the Imago Dei through empowering our creative selves. If you read the original edition, I invite you to read it again as if for the very first time. It will bless your life anew. If this is your first readingI promise you it wont be your last. Phaedra D. Blocker, Founder/Principal, Word&Wisdom, Affiliate Professor in Leadership and Formation, Palmer Theological Seminary
In this anniversary edition of Rest in the Storm: Self-Care Strategies for Clergy and Other Caregivers, Kirk Byron Jones provides us Martha types with access to the Mary within us (Luke 10:38-42). Specifically, his exegesis of Martha and Marys conflict with each other and of their encounter with Jesus, opens up new possibilities for Marthas like me. Jones writes that Martha was many different things, not just a one-note housekeeper, but was actually a person who had room for rest in her heart. But she needed to make the transition from being open to rest that lets Jesus in to making Jesus the one thing she prioritized highest.
The lessons one finds in Rest in the Storm disrupt old caricatures that exhaust ministers. For instance, the stereotype that there are deep ministers who let others do their work for them and worker-bee ministers who lack theological depth, cannot survive Jones nuanced and generous perspective on self-care. The book itself is both deep and practicalMary and Martha, togetherand a classic.Sarah Birmingham Drummond, Founding Dean, Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School
Dr. Kirk Byron Joness classic book is powerful, insightful, and thought-provoking. His prophetic imagination and metaphorical language ground his readers. He informs us that caregiverswho may be pastor, teacher, social worker, or caregiver to a parentare never to robe ourselves with the salvific savior syndrome. Instead, he invites us to find our way to the back of the boat with Jesus, a biblical analogy for the necessary breaks we need. A well-written book that establishes necessary boundaries and creative encouragement for the spirit of caregivers. Rev. Dr. Randy L. Ware, former President, New York Progressive Baptist State Convention, Inc., and Senior Pastor of the Greater Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, NY
Author Bio

Dr. Kirk Byron Jones, PhD, DMin, MPhil, MDiv, is a graduate of Loyola University, Andover Newton Theological School, and holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Emory University and a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Drew University.
A pastor for twenty years, Rev. Jones was the founding minister of Beacon Light Baptist Church in New Orleans, and Senior Minister at Calvary Baptist Church, Chester, PA; Ebenezer Baptist Church, Boston, MA; and First Baptist Church, Randolph, MA.
Currently a professor of ethics and preaching at Andover Newton Theological School, Dr. Jones serves as guest preacher and teacher at churches, schools and conferences throughout the United States. His writings have been published in various journals, including The Christian Century, Leadership, Gospel Today, Pulpit Digest, and The African American Pulpit, a quarterly preaching journal he co-founded in 1997.
Dr. Jones is the author of several best-selling books including Rest in the Storm: Self-Care Strategies for Clergy and Other Caregivers which was recognized in 2009 as one of only 40 books and films selected by Sojourners magazine as the "Best Resources for Social Change." The Sojourners list included the works of historic and contemporary luminaries, including Sojourner Truth, Henri Nouwen, Steven Spielberg, and Martin Luther King Jr.
Dr. Jones's other popular titles include:
• Addicted to Hurry: Spiritual Strategies for Slowing Down
• The Jazz of Preaching: How to Preach With Great Freedom and Joy (Abingdon Press)
• Morning B.R.E.W.: A Divine Power Drink For Your Soul and The Morning B.R.E.W. Journal (Augsburg Books)
• Holy Play: The Joyful Adventure of Unleashing Your Divine Purpose (Jossey-Bass).
Dr. Jones enjoys a leisure life of family play, reading, listening to music (especially jazz), and having new learning adventures every day.