October is Pastor Appreciation Month

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Shine: Living in God's Light

Shine: Living in God's Light

What is Shine?

Shine: Living in God’s Light is a dynamic Sunday school curriculum for age 3 to grade 8 that engages Christian communities in their life together by

  • calling children to experience the transforming power of God’s love.
  • nurturing trust in God and inviting children to follow Jesus.
  • encouraging imaginative, interactive biblical storytelling.
  • exploring the meaning of the Bible within the gathered community.
  • cultivating the inner life of the Spirit through spiritual practices.
  • expressing faith through lives of compassionate peacemaking and service.
  • inviting all ages to shine God’s light in the world.

Shine takes your children through important themes and characters in the Bible in three years.

Fall quarters, children will engage Old Testament stories which follow a narrative sequence from one fall quarter to the next.

Winter quarters will follow Advent and Jesus’ birth stories, followed by stories from the lectionary gospel for that year.

Spring quarters continue the story of Jesus through Lent and Easter.

Summer quarters will highlight themes or stories within the Old and New Testaments.

Shine Resources

Primary, Middler, and Junior Youth have the same Bible texts and outline. So that families can discuss the sessions at home. Early Childhood often has a similar themes or texts.


Why Choose Shine?

As a teacher, you’re creating a space for children to be open to God’s spirit. Shine sessions are easy for you to use, engaging for your children, and inspiring for your church. They open you to God’s spirit so that you can do the same for your group. Each lesson offers

  • Spiritual practices
  • Peacemaking emphasis
  • Interesting, engaging activities
  • Reflection and wondering questions
  • Intuitive, easy to use sessions
  • Thoughtful theology

Click here to view a PDF brochure of Shine curriculum.

Since there are no printed products for Judson Press to ship to you, to order Shine, click here and you will be redirected to the Shine curriculum site. Your order on their site will be recognized as coming from Judson Press, thereby supporting your American Baptist publishing ministry!

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