Read the Table of Contents, Foreword, and Introduction
Sermons offer scriptural reflection and fresh inspirational themes for annual holidays and notable celebrations
From the august professor of preaching Rev. Dr. Henry Mitchell himself comes this volume of seasonal sermons. Pulling from his own archives, Dr. Mitchell provides fresh insight for bringing the gospel on key dates throughout the year, from:
• Mother's Day to Labor Day
• Church Anniversary to Stewardship Sunday
• Martin Luther King Day to Memorial Day
• Pastor's Anniversary to Youth Sunday
Current and future generations of preachers will appreciate this treasure trove of themes and inspiration from which to draw throughout the year.
"Henry Mitchell proves here that he is not only the world's leading scholar on the history, methods, and content of black preaching; he is also a great preacher himself. This collection of sermons that focus on major celebrations and observances in the life of the church will be an invaluable tool for pastors who are attempting to be relevant in their topics and enriching in their content. These sermons will accomplish what every preacher should attempt to do over the course of every year: kindle the mind, energize the will, disturb the conscience, and stir the heart." Marvin A. McMickle, PhD, President and Professor of Church Leadership, Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School
Author Bio

(1919-2022) An ordained American Baptist Churches USA minister, Rev. Dr. Henry H. Mitchell served from 1945 -1959 as a denominational staff person in Northern California. He subsequently pastored California churches in Fresno and Santa Monica before beginning his esteemed academic career. Time in academia included:
• Being named the first Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor of Black Church Studies at Colgate Rochester Divinity School
• Serving as founding director of the Ecumenical Center for Black church Studies, in Los Angeles
• Acting as Academic Dean and Professor of History and Homiletics at Proctor School of Theology, Virginia Union University
• Team teaching along with his wife, the late Rev. Dr. Ella Pearson Mitchell, as Visiting Professors of Homiletics at the Interdenominational Theological Center
• Mentoring students, again with Ella, in the Doctor of Ministry Program at the United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio
Dr. Mitchell is author of three texts, Black Preaching, The Recovery of Preaching and Celebration and Experience in Preaching. He co- authored two other books, Soul Theology and Preaching for Black Self-Esteem with Dr. Emil M. Thomas. In 2004, his Black Church Beginnings, 1650- 1990, a radical rewrite and correction of early Black Church History, was released by Eerdmans Publishing. The Mitchell's inspiring love story, Together for Good, was originally published in 1999 and re-released by Judson Press in 2005.
Rev. Dr. Mitchell is a native of Columbus, Ohio. He holds degrees from Lincoln University, Pennsylvania (B.A & L.H.D, hon.); Union Theological Seminary, New York (B.D./M.Div); California State University at Fresno (M.A. Linguistics); Claremont School of Theology, California (Th.D.); and The American Baptist Seminary of the West, Berkeley, CA (D.D., hon.).